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Embrace The Lesson

My singing student asked me in her last lesson, “Can we skip singing scales today?”  She’s such a cutie.  At 9 years old, she is my youngest student.  But don’t let her age fool you into thinking her parents pushed her into taking lessons from me.  This little being of light has a plan and a vision.  She has a deep desire to express her creativity through singing and performing. In fact, her vision is so specific that it really impressed me.

In her first lesson, I asked her if there was anybody out there doing what she imagined she would like to do… a role model of sorts. Honestly, I expected her to say “Taylor Swift”.  Instead, she took my ipad and pulled up a video of a girl group doing choreographed dancing and singing. These girls appeared to be in their early-20’s and were boldly owning their femininity and their talents.  I though, “Wow, ok… she knows who she is and how she wants to express it!”  This little girl has a clear vision, and she has obstacles she will need to overcome in order to achieve them.

Having a specific desire or vision is step one – ALWAYS.  You need to decide what you want.  Once you do that, you begin to call in all the active forces in the universe to support you.  However, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.  There will be obstacles or lessons that we need to learn – spiritually, physically and emotionally.  Shyness and stage-fright are common obstacles.  I address these head on, at the get-go… but I do not harp on these issues. They will come with the right mindset – which I support my students and clients to install – and with experience.

The other obstacle is honing your technical skills. For my little singing student, this is her need to learn the technical part of singing… how to breathe, how to be consistent, how to hit certain notes, etc.  That’s where scales come in!  Scales are hard work and can be embarrassing. They stretch you beyond your comfort zone just a little at a time, building core strength and expanding your ability.

As a coach – singing or spiritual/life – if I know a shortcut, trust me, I’ll give it to you! Sometimes the only way out is through. My role is to provide guidance and support that makes it possible for you to see beyond your limitations and to feel proud of who you are.

My answer, “Skip scales? That’s like skipping the lesson!” *••ॐ.•*˚*•♫♪


Photo credit: Stacy Dunkle

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