Empowering Videos & Music For You!

Check out my free media page for instructional videos, meditations, and music.  You can access more free content on my YouTube Channels. Like and Subscribe! YOUR SPIRIT VOICE COACHING | BUCKS COUNTY CROPS MUSIC

Straw Breath – Breath Meditation

Pranayama breath meditation to cool down your mind, emotions and your body. This is a sample of what I include in the meditation classes I teach.

4 Ways to Transmute the Negative into High Vibes – How to release resistance so you can allow all the good in your life to come your way. Why it isn’t authentic to bypass difficult emotions, and why I’m not an advocate of being “love and light” all the time. Learn about the emotional scale, how we can jump from one emotion to another, and what I love about the stage of answer. How to forgive when you’ve been hurt, even when you don’t know how.

Affirmations for Singers – Keep your neck and lungs healthy, learn why the throat is considered the seat of change, and why it’s so important to feel safe to speak up. “I express myself freely and joyously. I am safe. I have a right to take up space. I take in and give out life fully and freely. I now choose thoughts that create safety for me. I love and appreciate my beautiful lungs.” (From I Love My Body by Louise Hay)

Pen to Paper, Everyday! – An important tip to cope when life is “too much” and to strengthen your connection to your inner voice. I share this with all my students and clients!

An important read for Empaths! – The Gaslight Effect. Learn why this is such an important read and how this book/concept can help you sort out your thoughts and understand your difficult relationships.

Astral (Original Song) – Lyrics and Lead Vocals by Alyssa Martin. Music by John Martin. 

Christmas Eve Guided Meditation – Enjoy this peaceful and relaxing Christmas Eve meditation to uplift your spirits and assist you in sending love to your friends and family.

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